If you have recently undergone a professional teeth whitening, then now, you will have both the radiant and also bright smile of your dreams. So, here the next step is to make some of the important as well as minor adjustments to your diet. For the long term, it probably helps to preserve those p[early whites. Your teeth generally can be more susceptible to training in the first few days after whitening. In that case, you need to follow a specific rule that if any drink or food can leave a stain on a white shirt then it should necessarily contribute to leaving a strain on your teeth as well. You should find here some of the concrete examples of drinks and foods which should be avoided after teeth whitening treatment.
Why You Should Avoid Tea And Black Coffee?
Grabbing a cup of black coffee or tea is an essential part of either your morning or evening routine. But, it is very important to know that when it comes to staining your teeth, then black coffee is mainly considered as the worst drinks. The particles of both black tea and black coffee are easily trapped in the ridges and also the microscopic pores of tooth enamel. Permanent yellow stains can be created by this dark coloration.
If it is very difficult for you to survive without coffee in the morning then at least drink it through a straw or very quickly so it helps in minimizing the particular amount of liquid to come in close contact with your teeth. After you are done drinking coffee, it is better to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. The best option is to brush your teeth.
Before Pouring A Glass Of Merlot, You Should Think Twice
Your dinner is mainly paired well with a nice glass of merlot. In the initial days following your tooth whitening, red wine should be necessarily avoided. Tannins are contained in red wines which is a compound that binds to teeth. Thus, it becomes very easier for the stains to set in the teeth. Also, red wine is highly acidic and so, it can easily destroy the natural enamel of the teeth. If you are very much addicted to such alcoholic drinks then it is better to stick with a clear alcohol drink such as a tonic or gin.
Avoid Many Fruits But You Should Grab A Banana
Immediately after your teeth whitening, it is necessary to avoid many kinds of fruits even though they are an important part of a balanced diet. Many fruits can also prematurely stain your teeth. The tooth can be made much more susceptible to stains due to the acid present in some acidic fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapefruits, limes and also many other fruits. Many berries also contribute to the breakage to the tooth enamel.
You should also avoid some dark fruits like blueberries and also dark fruit juices such as cranberry, tomato, and grape. These fruits mainly possess a powerful staining ability. However, bananas are not a kind of fruit which contributes to stain your teeth and so you should not hesitate to grab this particular fruit.
Stay Away From Dark Sauces
There are many people who love to take Italian food with many dishes including the pasta. It mainly contributes to keeping the teeth more bright. In India, dark sauces such as curries are also tomato sauces are very common. Also, it should be noted that the Southeast Asian cuisines are saturated highly in both acid content and color. This means that for your newly-whitened teeth, double trouble can be created by it.
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